Well, this is Lunapic’s Feather but looks more to me like Wondrous Wipe Out….it gets pretty busy during the week around here and a girl needs her beauty sleep, non? Love all these cloud colors…
Hugs to all.
My mother loved to tell the story of a friend who, testing her first soufflé for doneness, plunged a broom straw into it to see if the middle was cooked, just as she was taught to do with cakes. You can imagine the rest.
1 kilo/2 big bunches fresh spinach or two packages frozen, steamed, drained well and chopped (steam only until wilted)
1 half of a large sweet onion, chopped fine
1 cup of rich sauce bechamel, seasoned with 2 tablespoons of grated parmesan and pinch of nutmeg
Juice of large lemon
2 large eggs
Salt and pepper
Pinch of espelette pepper
In a large bowl, mix everything, adding the eggs last.
Pour into a buttered soufflé dish and set in a bain marie (pan of hot water). Bake at 350F/180C for 20 minutes or until the soufflé feels firm when pressed lightly and the top is golden and shiny.
This soufflé holds up well as it is not as airy as a normal one and can be made in little timbales for individual servings.
If you wish to separate the eggs, add the yolks to the spinach and then whip and fold in the whites, no one will stop you, and the soufflé will be more of a classic soufflé
Celentano, an Italian idol in music, wrote this wonderful song of gibberish, Here is the history. Just some fun on Saturday.
Like The Word Is The Bird….or The Bird Is The Word?
Love that artwork, Loulou.it really is ethereal!
That recipe sounds yummy. What kind of pepper are you using?? (I have black, red or white..)
Black pepper but all are wonderful.
Feathers to sleep on, or clouds, either would work.
The recipe sounds very good and easy.
It is so good and easy, too. Love it that you cook!
Beautiful art. The recipe looks good. Thanks for the recipe. XO
You are so welcome. And it’s healthy.
Such pretty art and yummy spinach too!
Brian’s Home
We need our Popeye muscles!
Wonderful to listen to gibberish that is not affecting our country.
Ain’t that the truth but the judges are fighting back bravely. And if the gov had shut down, the maniac would have had FREE reign to do anything he wants. It was good to keep it open. But many do not understand that.