Posted by on Apr 28, 2018 | 14 comments


Well, I survived the voyage (en voiture–CAR!) to the very gentle and kind vet, meowing only softly all the way.  Does that mean that drugs work?  Maybe not, because the vet gave mama some new-fangled thing that is a powder (they think I don’t know, heh, heh) that mama will mix in with my food on the day before the LONG journey and all I can say is, let’s hope it works.  I’m at a point that I WANT drugs to put me in another dreamy world!!!

Just kidding. The powder is light and doesn’t change behaviour.  Maybe mama should take one before the ship starts doing the rhumba, whatever that is.


Does the rhumba look like this?

SO–no more vet for me, the little nodule moves around and the vet lady had no concerns.

Onward and upward, upward being where my snooze pad is.  I am managing a little stroll in the jardin because…forgot to tell you this, just slipped my mind…I am OVERWEIGHT by 500 g, which is not chopped chicken liver!  That was NOT the news I wanted to hear.

So, diet it is.  Sounds better in French: regime.

But I take off grams pretty quickly, haha.  My idea, thanks to papa’s ingenuity, was to eat everything I wanted for a week–ice cream, buttered kibble, Greek yogurt, the aforesaid chicken livers, vanilla pudding, chocolate sundaes, lots of calories. And then we can cut back by taking out the ice cream.  That way, my caloric intake would diminish over night!




They took it away.

It’s a burden being a reasoning kitty.  No one listens to me.


HEY, NATIONAL VET DAY!!! Here’s mine:
