Posted by on May 16, 2021 | 12 comments










MAMA, GUESS WHAT?  We almost goofed!

Well, today is National French Bread Day in France and mama almost forgot to tell me, so there I am lazing around on the little chair next to her computer, lazing and gazing at the same time, and all of a sudden mama scares me to death by crying out, “OH, LOULOU, do you know what today is?”

Hello, mama, of course I know what today is.  I was just keeping it to myself, haha.

So we dug up a photo of one of mama’s breads, which you’ve no doubt seen way too often, but also another one of a magnificent fougasse that was baked here in Collioure by our local bakery for mama to celebrate a holiday at our village’s Chateau Chateau Royal.








Pretty nifty, no? And guess what?








It tasted good, too!  Even that big!

And of course I was not going to make mama feel bad by reminding her of something she had forgotten.

I am too well-bread.

But when I DID tell her, it got a rise out of her, haha.