Posted by on Aug 13, 2020 | 14 comments










Did you hear something?

We kitties are always on the alert to possible attacks from unidentified flying/swooping/diving objects/insects/animals/anthros and I am seriously attentive to those strange sounds in the night that sound as if someone has dropped a really BIG popcorn machine (Loulou,  it’s only our refrigerator talking–but you are right — what on earth makes a refrigerator have CRACKING/POPPING sounds?)








And what is that strange creaking noise as if someone or something were being strangled? (Loulou, that’s our next-door neighbor’s electric window shutters, needing WD40, haha!)







Not to mention that ear-shattering zoom, zoom, zoom over our house some days when the air force is out practicing in their jets! (Sound barrier, Loulou, you know what a sound barrier is, right?)







You’d think there is a conspiracy to scare the wits out of kitties when they are politely minding their own business and trying to have a quiet and peaceful day!

Probably thought up by DOGGIES who envy our equanimity, whatever that is.

I’m staying right here on the bed where I can duck under my duvet when the next blast/screech/rumble/’splosion takes place!

And for the record, DO NOT believe whoever it was who coined the phrase, “fraidy cats”, okay?







And don’t forget: