Posted by on Oct 8, 2023 | 14 comments

Well, that’s a stretch, but today, since my noseprint is unique in all the world of kitties and since I can smell millions of times more scents than YOU, mama or papa, I thought I would do a Schnoze Selfie, meaning that using my little perky nasal protruberance , you will always be able to identify me.

That is if you do a nose print, haha. hmm…wonder how we’ll do that. Maybe put my nose in a bowl of thick goat yogurt and do a kind of cire perdue, lost wax, thingy. Okay, better ideas are welcome…

Maybe our nose prints should be on record somewhere, just in case some really dumb anthro can’t identify his lost kitty, haha.

Hey, it could happen. Almost anything can happen with anthros…

Wait a minute! Are anthro noses all unique too?

(Not any as cute as a kitty’s, I’ll wager…)