Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 | 6 comments


Well, the neighbours haven’t lost  their laundry yet!

You cannot believe what’s happening in our yard!  We have winds of 30mph right now and our poor lemon tree is whipping around from side to side like a punk rock dancer, but losing no lemons, thank heaven.

These winds, mainly the tramontane, just come up from nowhere and starting blowing everything and everyone in the town sideway!

Mama says, “Great for the hair, Loulou, right?”  But since I have a gamine short coiffe, I don’t worry so much.

It’s the birdies I worry about.  Have you ever seen birdies out in winds like this.  No way, Jose, because I don’t think they could fly to where they want to be; they would just be carried wherever this wind decides to take them!  I’m so glad I’m not a birdie.

I’m safely curled up in a warm place to wait out the winds.
