Posted by on Jun 14, 2016 | 8 comments


Sahara sand that blows with the winds in our backyard!

Well, there is a lot wind out there in my garden and leaves everywhere and mama’s tomato plants had to be tied up really well to their supports and I was about to blow away myself until mama came out and rescued me.

Well, not actually, but it makes for a good image, no?  A flying Loulou!  I’d give those nasty seagulls a run for their money, that’s for sure.  They are up there squawking and yakking and making the worst noises I’ve ever heard and what for, I ask you?  They even come down to the restaurants and try to steal food from plates on the tables.


But Mya’s mama foils this one, haha! And frankly, I don’t see how they fly around in this incredible wind, but there they are, up there gliding and swooping and terrorizing other birds.

I’m busy making kakakaka sounds at the turtledove on our birdbath, but I never seem to have the energy to go out and pounce on it.  It could be because that particular turtledove is…er…about my size.  Still, I can watch him getting blown around in the wind and make noises at him and that’s my exercise for today.

Maybe if this Spanish wind (that comes from the SAHARA) stops tomorrow, I can help mama rake up all the leaves.

Or not.


You’re handing me a rake?  Whatever that is…