Posted by on Feb 3, 2019 | 15 comments










Is that really the WIND I hear…scary!

Well, mama is not letting me out right now, because the winds are 140 kph, which in mph is 86.9!!! BEAUCOUP.  She says I would fly away!

At the open market this morning, there was only a handful of vendors, and most the shoppers were being blown off their feet, mama said!  Chicago has nothing on Collioure, that’s for sure.  Mama’s fava beans are tied up tight but they are STILL blowing around dangerously, and some of the lemons have hit the ground—-not even ripe yet, which is when they fall easily.

But as I mentioned at another time, the inhabitants here believe that strong winds blow all the germs and viruses of winter out to sea or at least somewhere else!  CIAO, baddies!

Mama just sneaked up on me and deposited my anti-flea liquid between my ears, and she thought I didn’t know what she was doing, haha.  It’s just that it felt so good, sort of scratchy and nice as I lay in my blue duvet, listening to the howling of our winds.







I don’t even want to BE outside in this weather, so why the flea meds?  Ah, well, anthros are weird, as we all know.  And everyone knows that fleas HATE winter, no?  The circuses are in summer anyway.Résultat de recherche d'images pour "free image of flea circus"

I hope mama is not too weird in this crazy-making wind that she forgets to make our Sunday night pizza!!!