Posted by on Jul 6, 2016 | 13 comments


You want me MOVE?  ME?  Are you nuts?

Well, voracious, that’s for sure.  Maybe it’s the heat here in Rome even if the house is pretty cool with this “penguin” sitting in the living room making cool air happen, but we have drywood termites dropping out of somewhere.


This is a penquin.

The wooden ceiling?  Our huge mirror frame (who knows how old it is but it’s really OLD and came with the apartment)?  The wood flooring?  The couches from Ikea?  And mama is running around with a paintbrush and something called “antitarli” becaue “tarli” are termites and she’s brushing the mirror frame and the floors and everything in sight with this stuff and spraying some pretty awful stuff into the couches and onto the floorboards, around which I am not allowed.

Anyone have any solutions for drywood termites?


And the worst part is that they drop their silly little transparent wings and go off somewhere into the couch or the books or wherever they can find to munch on something and so all these little disgusting wings are lighting on the couch and when mama sees them just after she has vacuumed and painted and sprayed, she goes bonkers.


This is a wetwood termite and we DON’T have these, thank heaven.  What do they do with those wings anyway if they’re going to drop them all over the place.  I suppose mama could find a use for them if she really put her mind to it, like maybe lacquer them and make a necklace or something, haha.

All kidding aside, any solutions will be MORE than welcome because it is verboten for me to sleep on the sprayed couch back until these little suckers get VERY lost somewhere.

Haha, but I fooled her.  I am UNDER the couch and they’ll never find me.

Oops, they did.  I am banished to the bedroom.  Oh, well, I tried.  And I’m not going to catch these crawlers. NOT ME.  Some kitties would have fun chasing down these little brown thingys and whacking them upside the head but NOT ME.

What’s a drywood termite anyway?


Don’t try to cajole me by holding paws.  I want back on the couch!