Posted by on Jul 29, 2021 | 22 comments









Well, I asked if I could stay here on the comforter/duvet just a little while longer before THEY throw me off (cruelly, forcibly, and with malice thought about ahead of time) to make the bed.  I asked nicely, I smiled, I was my usual persuasive self.








And I requested just a teeny tiny two minutes, mama, just really for no longer than it will take you to put on the pillowcases. PLEASE!








Mama is not conveying her thoughts well.

I can’t tell if that is a nod or a shake of the head, mama, and really, I will leave ASAP when an exit is needed, I promise!  WHAT?  You want me to take out the papers and the trash, TOO?








I can’t tell what silliness mama is saying OR doing. These anthros are so wishy-washy.  Is that a no or a yes?  And what is that other stuff about?  Are you losing your marbles?

I think I’ll just take that wobble of the head for a yes and have my comfortable comforter/duvet snooze.  I can’t wait around for anthros to make up their minds.

They can make the bed when I AM READY TO EXIT, OKAY?

And don’t talk back!