Posted by on Feb 3, 2015 | 8 comments

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Well, I never!!! I was trying to talk to mama this morning and papa kept interrupting. And if there is one thing I have learned in this household, one does NOT interrupt when another is speaking, thank you very much.

  1. You might miss something interesting.
  2. It’s rude.
  3. It makes the other person think you’re not listening and uninterested and then he or she feels really bad.
  4. It’s rude.
  5. It’s rude.

Now if the speaker is going on and on and on and there appears to be no end and you are starting to feel sleepy and your eyes are wandering around the room, then crossing, and you find yourself sighing a lot and trying to cover a yawn, well, then, maybe it’s interruption time.

BUT ONLY THEN. And sometimes not even then if it’s your sweet little granny or an elderly person sort of wandering in the head or even a young person sort of wandering in the head.  At your expense, haha…

Still…I was TRYING TO SPEAK! I wanted to go outside and myowed and myowed and mama kept saying, “Loulou, papa is talking, wait a minute” and kept yaking and yaking to mama and finally she said, “LOULOU, you cannot go out in SNOW (which was happening just then and making us all amazed and delighted) and you must do your ablutions INSIDE IN YOUR BOWL IN THE BATHROOM” and finally I gave in and did.

Normally, I am well-behaved and trained to use the john with my little bowl of flushable litter in it but having been ignored WHILE PAPA SPOKE PEARLS OF WISDOM, I managed to throw a goodly amount of my litter out onto the floor of the bathroom.

HAH! That’ll teach ’em for next time…

(PS–I did NOT do this (see below) but it does make my point, right?)
