Posted by on Feb 21, 2018 | 13 comments


OH, NO, not THAT!

Well, yes, mama has just discovered that she is out of the booze with which she makes limoncello, that golden elixir so good for the tummy (and just to sip for the taste, haha).  SO, it appears that THEY will be going across the border where one can pick it up at a good price and lots of it.  It is called Thirty Six, trois-six, in French, who knows why but it is stronger (195 proof)than the local 40-proof liquids that most people use for making homemade liqueurs and brandies and such.  Hey, the border is only 20 minutes away so I’m NOT ‘bandoned for long.

I am NOT allowed ANY of this, but I like the smell of our lemons.  They are called Quatre Saisons, meaning four seasons of lemons or in short, all year round!  But I seem to remember our tree looking a little bare just after the flowers start up in spring, so they are not literally on the tree all year round but we do have them 3/4 of a year, for sure.  Sometimes mama rolls a little one around in the garden so I can chase it.  But as of late, I’m not really an agile chaser and even when I play on the bed, it’s my front paws that do all the action.

Then again–go figure–mama calls me to supper and bammo, I’m down the stairs two at a time and skidding to a stop at my bowl! Afflictions forgotten. The only thing that would slow me down is a shot of limoncello, haha.

