Posted by on Dec 6, 2015 | 16 comments


All I know is kindness…but some do not.

Well, I got a comment from Mungo and Jet about Mark Zuckerberg allowing the torturing of animals on Facebook, and frankly, I am shocked. I am not on Facebook because when I first subscribed when it was new, I saw immediately that I did not wish to be there and that I wanted my privacy, and I tried to get off. Impossible. It took me three weeks of letters to Facebook asking to be taken off and believe me, Facebook did NOT want to deal with me.

I eventually got off except I am sure that my name is floating around somewhere on the site and will be, ad infinitum

No matter, they don’t bother me and I don’t bother them. It was just a choice, and almost everyone I know is on Facebook.

But now that I find that Mr. Zuckerberg, despite his propsed humanitarian offerings to help solve the world’s problems along with other billionaires, is allowing terrible pages on Facebook having to do with animal torture and cruelty to animals, and I am sorry I mentioned him with praise in my blog The Gates of Giving.  The horror of the pages on Facebook cannot be shown here, but they are sickening.

I will try to look more closely into the facts behind future subjects, and I thank Mungo and Jet for bringing this to my attention.

Anyone harming or torturing or abusing an animal will someday have to deal with ME!
