Posted by on Nov 27, 2014 | 2 comments


Pick out the turkey in this photo…

(Sorry, just couldn’t resist…)

Well, this has to be one of the funniest sites on the net! Thnnk you, AOL, for putting it on today’s news.

Mama was showing me photos of turkeys because I had never seen one much less HEARD of one until today, but from this website I learned a lot about them–and presidents!

One of those babies, “Flyer” by name, does NOT look like a dinner, so sending him back to the farm was probably a good idea. Let him enjoy his turkey trot for a few more years…

Also, mama is getting a bit more sensitive to what happens to birds AND animals when they are headed for consumption, but I won’t go there just yet.  The truth is that it’s hard for someone who had grandparents with a farm and who grew up cooking animals and birds since the age of 5 and who has handled all sorts of fish and fowl in the kitchen to suddenly change direction and live on sprouts and brown rice.  That’s a metaphor, by the way, and mama knows full well that there are many foods for nourishment other than creatures.  Still, she’s not quite ready…

And I miss those rich smells that have come out of mama’s kitchen each year on this day.  So does she, I think, but to cook a turkey for two or three (and a kitty) does not seem worth it.  Our little Il Buco downstairs promises a nice dinner tonight and I’ll get the doggy bag, haha!

Mama says the best part of Thanksgiving is the leftover turkey on cranberry and mayonnaise sandwiches, which is okay by me–just hold the berries.

AND the soup.  Mama’s guru, John Churchman, gardener of the Glen, guru to all, as gracious and giving a man as one could find, used to make a killer soup with all the bones and vegetables and then he set aside some meat to add after the bones were removed and the broth and vegetables were ready.  Oh, boy, the soup of soups.  Mama added some white wine and a squeeze of lemon to her concoction for acidity.

Well, despite no turkey in this house, there was chicken salad for lunch instead and we all just pretended it was you know what.

Okay, in keeping with tradition I’m going to take my Thanksgiving nap.  It’s the one time in the USA that you know pretty much what everyone is doing together..


Don’t I look just like somebody’s uncle after a big turkey dinner?